Classwork: Lecture on the Mexican Revolution and review of Critical Reading skills
Homework: Critically read the document on Corridos (Front and back), using the critical reading guide! Due Monday Classwork: We went to the "Think Again" presentation today. There was no SS content!
Homework: No homework tonight- have your completed video notes for class tomorrow! Classwork: Introduction to Unit Four- and Introduction to the Mexican Revolution.
Video viewing. Link for video here. Viewing guide here! Homework: No homework- video viewing guide will be checked off on Friday Classwork: Culminating Event
Homework: Use the three day weekend to study for Finals! Utilize my powerpoints as well as the study guide! Classwork: Lecture on the end of WWI
Homework: Prepare for "culminating event" tomorrow! (WWI and elements of propaganda) Also be studying for finals! Study Guide here. Once school resumes we will finish up Unit Three- WWI.
Thinking about finals next week:
Classwork: Examining important battles of WWI
Homework: Prepare for the in class informal seminar tomorrow on War and Technology. Questions linked HERE. Period 1/2:
Classwork: Life on the Home front lecture and propaganda analysis Homework: None Period 5: Classwork: LA time Homework: Essay due by 8 am tomorrow morning to! |
Office Hours Via Microsoft Teams:
Period 1/2: Tuesday 11:30-12:30 pm Period 5: Thursday 1:00-2:00 pm Unit Resources
Paragraph Writing Unit Four- Mexican Rev. - Mussolini PowerPoint
Unit Four- The Rise of Hitler PowerPoint
June 2020