Classwork: Library Research time!
Homework: Continue refining your thesis statements. Also, critically read the primary sources for discussion on Nazi propaganda on Monday!
Classwork: Hitler's Racism and Mien Kampf class Discussion
Homework: SS will have a library day tomorrow. For Monday, print and critically read the primary sources of Nazi propaganda under Hitler. Classwork: Lecture on the Rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party
Homework: Critically read the excerpt from Mein Kampf. Read the article on "Hitler's Racism".
Classwork: In-class work time on refining research topic!
Homework: Continue refining your research topic and question. Project signature sheet due Thursday. Topic Refinement and TRS sheet due Thursday as well. Classwork: Intro to Integrated Project!
Homework: Select a topic by tomorrow by completing the following survey! (Topic selection Google form) Classwork: Mussolini poster work time/ gallery walk. If you were absent, you need to get the notes from a friend!
Homework: None! Study for LA. Classwork: Intro to Fascism and Benito Mussolini- Poster work time
Homework: None Classwork: Mid unit quiz and Lecture on the Gulags
Homework: Critically read "Execution by Hunger" for Monday. |
Office Hours Via Microsoft Teams:
Period 3/4: Wednesday 9:00-10:00 am Unit Resources Unit Four PowerPoint- Part One Unit Four PowerPoint- Part Two Archives
June 2020